
How to Partition Your Hard Drive to Optimize Performance - jonesmopine

West Digital WD VelociRaptor internal hard drive.

Solid-state drives are every the furor lately, thanks to their malodorous transfer speeds and ultrafast memory access times, but almost people lul use cheap, convenient mechanical laborious drives. Unfortunately, mechanically skillful hard drives also institute unrivaled of the virtually considerable functioning bottlenecks in modern reckoner systems. Even when paired with the fastest processors and lots of memory, a slow hard drive will bear down the a system's overall carrying into action and responsiveness, which is why upgrading to an SSD usually yields so much of import performance gains.

If upgrading to a solid-land drive ISN't the cards for you right no, you posterior improve the performance of your Winchester drive through a technique colloquially known as "short stroking." In simple terms, short stroking a drive means partitioning IT so as to apply its highest-performing sectors. Hard drives perform other than contingent where information is stored on their platters. Knowing where the fastest sections of the drive are and partitioning the cause to take advantage of them are the keys to optimizing information technology.

Finding the Sweet Spot

Generally, the littler you make the initial, primary partition on a hard drive, the better that volume volition perform. But no one likes to be limited by a tiny volume size, so it's very serviceable to exist healthy to limit where transfer rates begin to driblet off on a disc drive. With that information in hand, you can tune your zone to balance overall operation against bulk size.

Get at times nearly double and transfer speeds are halved along the intrinsical edge of a 1TB WD Velociraptor drive, as compared with the outer boundary; other drives show a exchangeable performance pattern.

All you need is a benchmark tool like HD Air or HD Tach that evaluates performance across an entire drive and graphs the results. We used HD Tune in our tests.

To measure a hard tug's performance, you'll need access to a system that already has a fully functional Operating system installation along another cause. Connect the drive you want to try out to this system as a secondary mass, and then run the benchmark tool. You'll notice that carrying out starts at a relatively high level and then gradually tapers off. For this clause, we tested a 1TB Western Whole number Velociraptor drive and initially power saw transfer rates in the vicinity of 210 megabytes per second, which gradually slowed to about 116 MBps. Likewise, access code times were fastest in the early piece of the test and grew slower as the trial progressed. This phenomenon occurs because hard drives are fastest when they access data from the outermost tracks on its platters. Relinquished a unceasing spindle rush along (10,000 rpm, in the Velociraptor's vitrine), the drive's read/write heads fire bu cover a large area in a shorter amount of fourth dimension when positioned over the outer edges of the platter, resulting in better performance.

For optimal system performance, you need to place your OS and all of your most commonly misused applications and files in the quickest areas on the drive. Accomplishing this goal involves creating a primary partition of the correct size on the drive and then installing your OS and apps there. You can partition and use the remainder of the drive, too, merely you should store only infrequently accessed information there.

With the Velociraptor hard drive we tested, carrying out began to flatten noticeably at about the 200GB mark, as the HD Line graph above indicates. Away the 300GB mark, transfer rates had fallen by about 50 MBps from their initial speed, and they continued to decline from there. 200GB is plenty of space for a primary partition, so that's the sizing we'd ready ours.

Windows' Disk Direction utility requests volume sizes in megabytes (MB) using the binary measurement, in which 1MB = 1024 KB.

Once you've known the sweet spot on your drive, create a underived partition of the optimal size. You can do this either during the initial setup phase (when installing the Oculus sinister) or while the drive is linked to a system whose OS is already installed. To create a partition during a sweet induction of Windows, abide by the on-screen prompts during the first phase of the setup process until you reach the point of choosing a target drive. So click Drive Options (advanced), superior your drive on the subsequent screen, and specify the partition size. To make up a partition on a drive connected to a system that already has Windows installed, connect the drive, thrill into Windows, click the Pop out clit, type Phonograph recording Management in the Search/Scarper field, and press Enter. The Disk Direction utility will open and, if it detects a refreshing blank drive, testament usually launch a wizard. If no wizard launches, right-click the entry for the drive off in the listing at the bottom of the windowpane, and choose the choice to create a new loudness. Because Windows uses binary measurements in megabytes to specify partition sizes, 1 gigabyte contains 1024 megabytes. Consequently, in specifying our 200GB partition, we had to key out a sectionalization size of 204,800MB (200 × 1024).

Performance Testing

To gauge the performance benefits of momentaneous-stroking a disc drive, we ran a couple of popular benchmarks–HD Tune 5.0 and PCMark 7–on our 1TB Velociraptor semihard drive, maiden with a single segmentation that spanned the smooth drive and a second time with a primary partitioning consisting of the drive's highest-performance, first 200GB of infinite.

WD Velociraptor 1TB w/ 1TB zone

WD Velociraptor 1TB w/ 200GB partition


HD Tune 5.0 (read test)

Normal transfer plac

164.1 MBps

194.4 MBps


Minimum transfer of training value

116.2 MBps

181.7 MBps


Maximum transpose rate

207.3 MBps

210.7 MBps


Burst rate

336.0 MBps

335.2 MBps


Access clock time*

7.13 ms

5.43 SM


PCMark 7 Secondary Storehouse Benchmark

Overall score




Start applications

5.9 MBps

6.05 MBps


Importation pictures

11.74 MBps

12.17 MBps


Picture redaction

21.11 MBps

21.36 MBps



7.97 MBps

8.03 MBps


Windows Media Center

8.09 MBps

8.11 MBps


Windows Defender

2.71 MBps

2.82 MBps


Adding music

1.34 MBps

1.34 MBps


* In milliseconds; on this measure, frown scores indicate healthier carrying out.

Mental testing system: Intel CORE i7-2700K, Asus P8Z68-V Pro (Z68 Express), 8GB DDR3-1600, Western Whole number Raptor 150GB (OS), Nvidia GeForce GTX 285, Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-routine

A disc drive's get at times and minimum transfer rates profit most from deficient stroking, though the average transfer rate bequeath also stick out significantly. According to HD Tune, our drive's minimum transfer rate redoubled from 116.2 MBps to 181.1 MBps, a boost of more than 56 percent. As wel, our drive's average access code time decreased from 7.13 ms to 5.43 ms, an improvement of about 23.8 pct. And the drive's ordinary transfer range saw a nice gain of 18.46 percent, from 164.1 MBps on the 1TB division to 194.4 MBps on the optimized 200GB partition.

Partitioning a 1TB disc drive to isolate the fastest section in the primary partition yields better and more-consistent performance over the length of the volume.

PCMark 7's Supplementary Storage benchmark–a suite of trace-founded tests that standard performance of simulated real-world workloads, rather than raw transfer speeds and access multiplication (Eastern Samoa HD Tune does)–tells a somewhat different story. Though the gains rumored aside PCMark 7 are less dramatic than those known by HD Tune up, organization performance improved nearly crossways the board. The drive's overall grudge increased by 1.63 percent after short stroking, with the biggest gain approaching in the Windows Defender test, which saw an improvement of 4.06 percent.

Ultimately, short-stroking a tight drive away won't raise your hard drive's performance to the level of a solid drive. Nevertheless, the right zone form can take tangible gains, As our test results she. A scurrying storage subsystem usually delivers perceptible performance improvements for the end user, and so if you're stuck with a strong drive in your organization, why non ascertain that it's configured for peak performance?


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