
Scientists Have Developed A New Wi-Fi Sytem that is 3 Times Faster Than What We Use Today

The world is fast changing; people are condign more impatient and are always looking for better internet connections. Researchers are constantly looking for ways to cater the demands of the changing earth. They have come up with a new Wi-Fi organization that has the ability to speed up data transfer on overcrowded networks.

Advantages of the new organization

This system is known as MegaMIMO 2.0 and can transfer data iii times faster than the connections used today. It is also able to double the range of the bespeak. This system has been developed by a team from MIT'south Informatics and Bogus Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) could be used at our homes in the hereafter if Wi-Fi device manufactures incorporate this new system into their products.

The speed is definitely an advantage at habitation but the greatest advantage would exist experienced in crowded environments, in seminars, sporting events, airports, universities etc. where hundreds of people are trying to connect to same network signal. As most of usa would have experienced that northward such public places, the cyberspace connection slows downward considerably and data transfer becomes difficult. This situation is referred to every bit 'spectrum crunch' which means that enough wireless spectrum is not available so that everybody can go sufficient data transfers done.

So how can this spectrum crunch be avoided? One way could be to add together multiple routers. This however, is non very effective every bit the new access points can create interference on the network that also slows down the transfer. Lead researcher Ezzeldin Hamed said, "In today's wireless world, you can't solve spectrum crunch by throwing more transmitters at the problem, because they will all yet be interfering with one another. The reply is to have all those admission points piece of work with each other simultaneously to efficiently use the available spectrum." This is what the MegaMIMO 2.0 does. It is able to coordinate multiple access points at the same time enabling the transfer to take place at the same frequency without interference.

MIMO redefined

The team's success story is due to an algorithm that allowed multiple transmitters use the same spectrum without causing whatever hindrance. This algorithm helped them solve problems that wireless researchers have been looking for and so long. Team member, Hariharan Rahul said, "The problem is that, but like how two radio stations can't play music over the same frequency at the same time, multiple routers cannot transfer data on the same clamper of spectrum without creating major interference that muddies the betoken."
Wireless network sign. 3D symbol isolated

This new system has been built on a technology that is widely used today in all our wireless devices. This is known as the multiple input multiple output or MIMO. MIMO allows smart phones to receive multiple signals from various transmitters but till now using multiple transmitters only caused problems. The discovery of the new algorithm solved the problem of network congestion.

According to computer scientist Sachin Katti from Stanford University, "Since spectrum is scarce, the only way to improve wireless capacity is to add together more access points and use some sort of distributed MIMO solution. While there has long been skepticism that this could e'er work in practice, [the] team has demonstrated that they tin solve the many applied challenges of distributed MIMO networks."

For testing of this organisation, a mock conference room was set up where iv laptops moved around the room on Roomba vacuums and were used to mensurate data speeds. It was found that MegaMIMO 2.0 additional the data transfer process by up to 330 % compared to our usual Wi-Fi connections. This sounds very promising indeed but there is no give-and-take yet as to when this technology will be available for commercial use. Promise it happens soon since this will make our lives a whole lot easier.



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