
How To Catch A Cheating Spouse Iphone App

Use These Popular Apps and Methods to Catch a Cheater Instantly

Trying to figure out if a partner is cheating can drive anyone crazy. But there is good news. We've got cheater busting applications & methods you've never seen before and discovering the truth is easier than ever .

Let's start with low-tech, free hacks and work our way up to high-tech spy apps and remote installation keyloggers; and don't forget to come back and check out our cheater busting gadgets!

1: Find the Affair Partner With Facebook's Suggested Friends

spy on bills and trash

Facebook's suggested friends (AKA "People You May Know") is a controversial feature because of just how good it works.

Virtually every victim of cheating in the online infidelity support groups has found that their partner's affair partner (AP) was either in their Facebook "Suggested friends" or "People you may know",

The reason is simple, you know nothing about the affair partner, but they know all about you and have visited your Facebook profile many times. This triggers the Facebook algorithm to suggest them as a friend.

This is why they appear in your suggested friends even though you don't know them and more often than not you'll have no mutual friends as the affair is taking place in the workplace.

If you have a suggested friend (People You May Know) that is not friends with your partner, but shares the same workplace and has other Facebook friends within that work place; it might be a good idea to pay attention.

2: Track Your Partners Cell Phone Without Installing an App

To track a smartphone location without installing software or using an application follow the steps below.

STEP 1. Visit the iplogger location tracker and click "Create Location Tracking Link".

track a smartphone gps location

STEP 2.Now copy the top link and send it to your partner using your favorite chat application or messenger.

copy link and send to smartphone

STEP 3.Once the link has been clicked the smartphone's IP address has been tracked along with its general location.

click logged ips and map icon

STEP 4.Next click the "Logged IP's" tab followed by the map icon. Google Maps will now show the general location of the smartphone.

PLEASE NOTE: This location tracking tool should not be used to determine where a person is. This tool should be used to determine where a person is not .

This tool tracks the ISP providing service to the device, quite often the closest cell tower. It does not physically track the phone, it tracks the closest access point.

If your partner is "at work" then it should register the same location as it always does when they are at work. It also tells you whether or not they are on a private (home) network, or if they are using their mobile data. So the network is also something to watch.

You can optionally choose to track a cell phone by sending an image such as a funny meme instead of a link or even find out who a phone number belongs to along with the owners social media profiles.
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3: Garbage is the Best App

spy on bills and trash

The FBI has been collecting trash for over 100 years because it works. Cheaters are getting busted for gas station receipts that clearly show they weren't where they were supposed to be; and those fast food receipts are useful for determining whether or not the cheater was alone.

Discarded phone bills can show you an entire month's worth of locations, contacts, phone numbers and call logs. The time stamps can be used to verify the cheater was where they said they were, and when they said it. While discarded credit card bills can show you what purchases were made as well as when and where.

4: Use Alexa to Spy on the Cheater for You

alexa drop in spy app

If you own an Alexa or other virual assistant, you can optionally elect to have it record everything by going to Menu/Settings/Alexa Privacy and select "Help improve Amazon services and develop new features." This will allow you to listen in on all conversations and other ambient sounds that have taken place anywhere in the house.

You can also remotely "Drop in" to hear what is happening around the house. To do this simply leave Drop in on and have the mic on your end muted. Watch this video tutorial to learn more about it.

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5: Use Highster, a Cheater Busting Spy App

girl spies on smartphone

You've probably heard of FlexiSpy and Spyzie, but what you may not know is that they are all the same. They are all white labels of the same application. The only difference is the logo.

Also, there are no feature upgrades, many developers simply block a feature and then make you pay to unlock it. You will notice that they all have the same control panel and install the same way.

catch a cheater control panel

One exception to this trend is Highster Mobile by Powerline. All the features with no subscription, fees or "feature upgrades". Even better, it's completely invisible and the lifetime license is temporarily priced for less than what others charge for a single month.

Highster also reports on past behavior. The phone's locations and dates, who was texting who – and when. This allows you to go back in time and discover the truth instantly.

That's what makes Highster our number #1 cheater busting app for smartphones. Take advantage of the lifetime license before they return to a monthly subscription as all the others have.

Video Demo of Highster Vs. mSpy Vs. FlexiSpy for Catching Cheaters

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6: L.A.S. Discreet Vehicle Tracker

invisibly track cheaters vehicle

Cheaters have things to do, places to go, and people to see. Luckily L.A.S. (Land Air Sea) has a tiny, cheap, and discreet vehicle tracker that you can stick anywhere.

We like the L.A.S. (Land Air Sea) best because the smart battery lasts up to two weeks as it only tracks when the vehicle is in motion.

track cheaters gps location

It includes a smartphone app that works similar to watching your Uber Eats delivery in real time. It also uses the Google Maps API which provides the exact address, Street View and duration of each visit.

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PRO TIP:You can also do this for free with your smartphone by disabling notifications and accidentally leaving it in your partner's vehicle. When you find your phone later you'll be able to see everywhere it has been.

7. Smoke Detector With Spy Camera and Night Vision

see cheaters location

You can stick NuCam's Dummy Smoke Detector on any ceiling or wall and use it to capture a smartphone's pin code, conversations or even passwords. While there were several to choose from, we chose this one because it is battery powered and requires no wiring.

It's also smart enough to only record when something is happening in the room, so the battery can last 180 days. Most of the others recorded all the time and required conduit access.

The Dummy Smoke Detector Spy Camera stores the videos on an included 32GB SD card which you can upgrade to any size. It also includes a smartphone app for Android and iPhone which allows you to view the recordings or even see what is happening in the room live.

Amazon has many other spy cameras built into daily household items that generally fade away in the background, but we like the top down view of the NuCam,

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8. Get Inside Their Social Media

remote installation keylogger

When you don't have access to the cheater's smartphone it may seem impossible to discover the truth. Don't worry, we've got you covered.

That old laptop sitting neglected in the corner has all the information you're looking for because all social media activity is syndicated across all of a user's devices.

For Example: A Facebook conversation taking place on a smartphone will be the same conversation you would see if you were to login to the cheater's Facebook account on the laptop. The same is true for iPhone's iMessages and iCloud, GPS locations and more.

The remote installation keylogger can be used to capture nearly all the same information that can be found in the cheater's smartphone, and it's much easier to access.

Step 1: Log into your control panel and select "Create Module".

create the keylogger module

STEP 2: Choose a name for your file and select what information you want the keylogger to capture.

choose keylogger settings

STEP 3: Download the file to a thumbdrive or send it to yourself in an e-mail.

choose keylogger file type

STEP 4: The next time you visit your wayward partner ask to use their laptop. They will probably sign you in to a guest account, but that doesn't make a difference.

When the coast is clear check your e-mail and download the file. Click confirm and you're done.

All activity including passwords, screenshots, website history, searches, online chats will henceforth be invisibly sent to your control panel. Even conversations that took place on their smartphone will be sent to your control panel once they login.

You'll also get passwords to iCloud data (if they use iPhone), and Google Drive data (if they use Android). This is just like having a spy app on their smartphone as well. It can give you access to the phone's camera roll, GPS locations, iMessages, texts and more.

choose keylogger file type

PRO TIP: As an alternative to the USB thumbstick you can upload the file to DropBox and send an e-mail to yourself with a link to the DropBox file. Then, when you're at the laptop you can just check your e-mail and click the link you sent to yourself. Learn more stealthy installation methods you've probably never seen before.

The program used above is called Real-Time Spy.
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9. Honeytraps and Cyberflirt Services

choose keylogger file type

Cyberflirts make contact with your cheating partner online and attempt to arrange a hookup or any other objective you set for them. You simply choose the model you want and send them links to your partner's social media profiles.

The benefit of using a cyberflirt is that the evidence gathered is usually admissible in court. This makes gathering evidence of Alienation of Affection and defamation a matter of simply asking the right questions.

select your cyberflirt

The latest cyberflirt trend for catching male cheaters has shifted from social media profiles to gaming. If your cheater has a gamertag be sure to provide it. Most honeytraps boast a success rate of over 70% for men, and 80% when done via playing online.

Catching female cheaters hasn't been that easy, but that is changing. While men just want someone to play with, women are more likely to chase clout. They're looking for shout-outs on instagram, TikTok and the attention of influencers who can affect their social media following.

There are a number of cyberflirt services to choose from and they typically run about $100 USD.

tracking cheater on public livestream

Your cyberflirt can even arrange an in-person "hookup". They wont actually show up, but the cheating partner will; and you can be there to make sure they have a warm welcome.

Some clients prefer to have them meet in one of the thousands of public places with livestream access so they can enjoy the show.

PRO TIP: If you're interested in becoming a cyberflirt, both SneakyWinker and CheatingRat are looking for independent contractors. It starts out on a 70/30 (you/them) split.

Video Demo of the Sneaky Winker Cyberflirt Service

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10. Take Photos of the Odometer

choose keylogger file type

The odometer never lies and if there is cheating going on you will find it. Start by taking a picture and seeing the daily mileage routine. Start noticing anomalies and see if they correspond to schedule changes or heavy traffic.

choose keylogger file type

The numbers may not seem relevant at first, but once you see the distances on the corresponding map things will start to make sense. You'll have a good idea of what's going as well as where and when.

PRO TIP: Don't forget that you can see everywhere your cheating partner has been by clicking the Google Maps icon and my places. Even if you only have access to their phone for a moment.

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11. WinSpy for Android – AKA MobileSpy

winspy for smartphones

You probably already know that all smartphone spy apps are white labels of the same software, but there are some exceptions worth mentioning. WinSpy is the only spy app developer that includes unlimited call recording.

That's a big deal because most developers disable that feature for legal reasons, while FlexiSpy only includes it in their $199.00 per month plan – a ridiculous fee. Even worse they charge extra for the storage.

MolbileSpy is different, it includes unlimited call recording in their cheapest $39.00 per year plan as well as their $79.00 lifetime option. No rebills, no subscription, and free passive updates.

winspy for smartphones

It also offers the other features which most developers remove such as ambient recording (room bugging) and spy cam (capture photos through the Android's cameras).

All the standard social networks are included and it is a PayPal approved purchase. That's a big deal because most developers don't qualify for PayPal as a payment processor.

The difference between MobileSpy and Highster Mobile (item #3 from the list above) is that MobileSpy can only capture keystrokes in the social networks and chat applications it supports.

Highster captures ALL keystrokes including passwords, Reddit, Forums, TikTok, Google and YouTube searches – EVERYTHING.

All other features are the same. You win either way, there is nothing offered by FlexiSpy or mSpy that comes close to either of these invisible cheater busting applications. MobileSpy is only available for Android.

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12. Invisibly Record Hands-Free Phone Conversations

spy on handsfree phone conversations

Driving is one of the few remaining places where we actually have audible conversations on our phone. Quite often this is done via bluetooth and the automobiles interior speaker system.

This creates a unique opportunity to record two-way conversations without having access to phone. Audio voice recorders have come a long way.

They are tiny, they start and stop on their own and they sound crystal clear, especially true since most drivers roll up the windows while using their hands-free setup.

invisible voice recorder

Voice recording pens, keychains and even phone chargers are cheap, reliable, and do all the work for you. Simply leave one in a well thought out place and you will be surprised at what you find.

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13. mSpy for Android and iPhone

mspy features

mSpy is an invisible application that will show your cheating partner's social media activity, chats, calls, locations and more. While that may be true of many other spy apps, mSpy is the best choice for those that are not tech-savvy.

The support is instant and they know their product well. We were installing to an Android in another language and couldn't read the menus, OS version or even the phone's make.

The live chat operator did everything for us in about 3 minutes with no wait time. Since then we have put their live chat to the test on many occasions and we've never had to wait more than one minute.

They do a great job and they do it instantly. Making installation as easy as just clicking "next."

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14. Background Checks and Social media Monitoring

Discover the Truth About Anybody. Background checks aren't what they used to be and now include social media monitoring, reverse phone lookup, unlimited searches and a lot more.

background checks

We've tested out dozens of background and social media monitoring services. These services offer incredible insight into everyone around you, whether a coworker, spouse, or even the guy at the grocery store. You'll be amazed at what you can find.

But don't tell too many people you own the service, because they'll contact you everyday trying to get the scoop on just about everyone they meet. It's kind of fun and addicting.

These are useful for tenant screening, checking criminal and court records, social media history (including deleted post/photo recovery) and they accurately determine the persons net worth and property/vehicle ownership.

We have personally used them with great success to locate the parents of adoptees and often with nothing more than a last name. It works like following breadcrumbs and is strangely satisfying.

All you need is a name and a place and you'll find you're able to trace an entire lifetime of activity. Good thing is that searches are unlimited.


PRO-TIP: You can also do it yourself for free using OSINT TOOLS (Open Source Intelligence Gathering).
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15. Know the Adultery Laws in Your State

Sadly, adultery is completely legal in most states and does not entitle the victim to damages. But there are some states where it is considered very serious and victims can claim Alienation of Affection and other damages.

u.s. map of adultery laws by state

Use the map above to check the adultery laws in your state and take a look at the the top U.S. cities for cheating. If you are a victim of infidelity in a recourse state, it might be best to consult a competent divorce attorney in your state, because evidence you obtain from applications designed to catch cheaters may not be admissible in your jurisdiction.


Take a look at our stealth installation methods to see the latest and most creative work-arounds such as file binding to JPG, remote installation, accessing the smartphone via laptop and more.

How To Catch A Cheating Spouse Iphone App


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